
DVDs & Blu-ray

Vote and Win: Fliks Top 100 Greatest Movies Ever Made!

By Shirl

We've teamed up with the awesome team at Fliks to give you the chance to Win the Top 100 Greatest Movies Ever Made! To go in the draw all you have to do is vote for your greatest movie ever made over on Fliks.

You get (up to) 3 votes – each vote weighted by your ranking. Your top pick is worth 3 points, 2nd with 2 points etc. You can vote more than once, but only your last entry will be counted, so if you want to recast your vote you can!. Voting ends on June 25th 2015.

The full Top 100 will be announced by July 2nd on The winner will receive the Top 100 on either DVD or Blu-ray (winner can choose the format depending on availability). So be sure to jump over and start voting now!

Need to jog your memory? Swing by our mighty Movie jungle!

See full Terms & Conditions before entering.


From the Movie Gorilla

Tags: competition, Win and Flicks


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  • Thomas says: 26 May 2015, 12:32pm

    1. The Shining
    2. 2001: A Space Odyssey
    3. Citizen Kane

  • Tyrell says: 26 May 2015, 12:46pm

    Top pick: Alien (1979)
    Middle pick: The Godfather - Part Two (1974)
    Bottom pick: Gladiator (2000)

  • Raymond says: 26 May 2015, 6:04pm

    1. The Searchers (John Wayne)
    2. Gone With The Wind
    3. Shane (Alan Ladd)

  • James says: 10 June 2015, 2:22am

    1- Shawshank Redemption
    2- The Empire Strikes back
    3- The Godfather

  • Barbara says: 16 June 2015, 6:41pm

    1. The Sound of Music
    2. Ghost
    3. Sister Act