Defence lawyers, Kaffee and Galloway are assigned the case of defending two US soldiers, accused of murdering a fellow soldier who was deemed to have ‘broken the code’. Kaffee and Galloway soon run into a brick wall Col. Jessup, who sees himself as a military ‘untouchable.’ The accused claim they were obeying orders, and that the death was an accident.
Critic Reviews:
- " Suspenseful, powerful, poignant, unforgettable, and sharply directed. " – Mike Massie (Gone With The Twins)
- " As speechy and preachy a courtroom drama as you'll ever find, detailing the secret manoeuvring that shadows a naval court-martial. " – Leigh Paatsch (Herald Sun, Australia)
- " As you may have suspected, Jack Nicholson steals the show. His Col. Nathan Jessep isn't in a lot of scenes, but when he's there, you can't take your eyes off him. " – Jay Boyar (Orlando Sentinel)