Futurama, set in the next millennium, follows the exploits of Fry, a pizza delivery boy who was cryogenically frozen by accident for 1,000 years; Leela, a female cyclops; Bender, an immoral robot, and others as they work for an intergalactic delivery service owned by Fry's great, great, great,..nephew, Professor Farnsworth.
Episode List: Kif Gets Knocked Up A Notch, Leela's Homeworld, Love & Rocket, Less Than Hero, A Taste Of Freedom, Bender Should Not Be Allowed On TV, Jurassic Bark, Crimes Of The Hot, Teenage Mutant Leela's Hurdles, The Why Of Fry, Where No Fan Has Gone Before, The Sting, Bend Her, Obsoletely Fabulous, The Farnsworth Parabox, Three Hundred Big Boys, Spanish Fry, The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings.
Special Features: