Kingdom Hearts II follows Sora, Donald and Goofy on their continuing quest. It has been one year since the events of Kingdom Hearts. The story begins in Twilight Town, a quite burg nestled between night and day. Sora and friends are joined by a vibrant new cast of characters, including King Mickey himself! Together, they will encounter countless dangers in worlds both familiar and brand new.
- Explore both new and familiar worlds from Kingdom Hearts, plus new Disney worlds to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, such as Pirates of the Caribbean, Beauty and the Beast and Mulan.
- A more advanced battle system that allows for a wider range of commands, powerful new combos, and cooperative attacks with members of your party, introducing another layer of strategy.
- An all-new "Drive" command that lets Sora change into a variety of new forms, altering his skills and abilities.
- A revamped camera system that keeps you in the middle of the action.
- Brand new transportation system that takes Sora and friends from world to world in the style of theme park rides.
- Cameo appearances by popular Final Fantasy characters.
- A large ensemble cast of Disney characters and a new cast of original characters designed by renowned artist Tetsuya Nomura.