Sly Raccoon is a vibrantly animated caper starring the charming and wry, charismatic thief, Sly Raccoon. Born into a family of the world's greatest thieves, Sly is given, on his eighth birthday, the Thievius Raccoonus, a family heirloom that is passed down from generation to generation containing all of their best-kept secrets and thieving techniques around. Later that evening, a gang of ruthless villains broke into his harmonious home. As Sly watched, the intruders overpowered his father, as they stole the Thievius Raccoonus splitting it ways and each taking a piece of this legacy with them.
Ten years later, Sly is out to steal the Thievius Raccoonus back and reclaim what is rightfully his. . He enlists the help of his gadget genius pal Bentley, and his big eager friend Murray, and the trio embark on a quest to restore honor to his family's name
A completely innovative and unique game adventure that blends realistic physics in richly detailed, animated worlds.
A crafty and charming bandit determined to become the world's best thief, Sly Raccoon is a clever, colorful and witty new character for PlayStation 2.
In addition to the charismatic Sly Raccoon, gamers will meet an entire eye-popping family of loveable and not-so-nice characters all with fluid actions that will provide amusing entertainment for hours on end.
A blend of realistic physics in richly detailed, toon-shaded worlds. As one of the world's greatest thieves, gamers will enjoy smooth, seamless gameplay and animations. Watch as this cartoon world comes to life with a depth and dimension unlike any other.
Deep interactive environments using triple pass polygonal rendering for lighting and effects add mood and ambiance to a uniquely stylized look. Shadows, spots lights, building details and special effects take on a whole new look.
Gamers can choose from a variety of gameplay options including stealth, platform, vehicle, boss and mini-games. Stealth and smarts are required as you sneak through the day and night…rooftop chases, narrow escapes, dodging security guards and ninja-like jumping…through windows, doors and across buildings.
Multi-tiered gameplay including primary, secondary and tertiary objectives provide additional challenges for gamers.
Sneak around in five unique hideouts while trying to recover the Thievius Racoonus, including Ice, Underwater, Bayou, Venice, and Industrial.