
Showing blog posts tagged "Dreadball December"

Dreadball December: And the winner is...


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The full-time whistle has blown for Dreadball December and its time to check the scoreboard to find our lucky winner!

And the winner is.....

Steven from Blaxland, Congratulations!

Steven has won himself an awesome “Dreadball”::…eadball/All/ Prize Pack including a Dreadball team & MVP of his choice, and the opportunity to custom design an acrylic Dreadball Pitch with Mantic Games!

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Dreadball December: Painting the Rothwell Mighty Apes!


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In today's Dreadball December its time get out the paintbrush and start working on our first team, the Rothwell Mighty Apes.

One of my favourite things about Dreadball is that you can come up with your own unique colour scheme, names and background for your team and players, you don't have to limit yourself to the teams in the rulebooks. I decided my first team would be the Corporation Trontek 29'ers from the Dreadball Deluxe Boxed set but I wanted to personalise them.

Thus the Rothwell Mighty Apes were born!

Stage One: Preparation & Assembly
Like all miniatures, Dreadball models need a little preparation before painting. Firstly I gave them a quick wash with soapy water and rinse to remove any mold release residue from the casting process. Then using a hobby knife I carefully scrapped off the mold lines and flash on the models, taking care not to remove any details.

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Dreadball December: Dreadball 101


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Ok Dreadball fans its time to kick off Dreadball December with a quick introduction to the product range and the rules of the game.

What exactly is Dreadball I hear you ask? Well if you take American football, James Caan's Roller­ball, Tron, throw them in a blender and set it to awesome, you'll get Dreadball. Its a fast paced, dynamic tabletop sports game which pits strength against speed, brute force against tactics, fouls against strategy.

Hyperbole aside, the objective of Dreadball is to move the ball down the field into the hands of a model within a strike-zone and then score a goal. To do this each player has fields a team of 6 models, made of of three types of players: Strikers, Guards, and Jacks.

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Dreadball December: Win an awesome Dreadball Prize Pack including Custom Board!


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Dreadball December has arrived! This month we've got a brand new series of blogs on Dreadball, the awesome futuristic sports miniatures game from Mantic Games.

To celebrate we'll be giving away an awesome Dreadball Prize Packs worth over $150 including a unique custom Dreadball pitch! That's right, our friends at Mantic Games will design and produce a one of a kind, custom acrylic Dreadball pitch for each of the winners, who will also receive a Dreadball team and MVP* of their choice! The winners will be able to incorporate their team name, logo and colours into the custom boards, giving them the ultimate home field advantage!

Simply purchase any product from the Mantic Games range and you'll go in the draw automatically. You receive an entry for each product you purchase, making Dreadball December the perfect time to stock up on Dreadball, Kings of War and the brand new Deadzone.

We'll draw and announce the winners January 3rd. Good luck! ;)

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