This is a cool little addon for your FlightSim setup. Obviously, you could
just have these things mapped to your keyboard, but having actual physical
switches and levers just ups the realism. The ignition could have had an actual
key in it, I feel – as it is you just have to turn this round spikey thing,
which is nothing like real life.
The master switches should be right next to each other and it would be neat
if they made it so you couldn't switch on the alternator without the battery
switching on too, but you could isolate the battery, as in real life. The
Avionics master should be white as well, I've never been in a plane where it
hasn't been. These are all pretty pedantic points though.
By far the coolest feature is the landing gear switch & lights – the
switch is accurately shaped, and the LEDs actually match the gear's status in
the game!
This switch panel is a step up in realism and though it's a little pricey,
if you have the cash to burn you may as well go for it.