In the final installment to this trilogy, a murdering spree begins to happen again; this time targeted toward the original Woodsboro survivors and those associated with the movie-inside a-movie, Stab 3. Sydney (Neve Campbell) must face the demons of her past to stop the killer(s).
While Sidney Prescott lives in safely guarded seclusion, bodies begins dropping around the Hollywood set of Stab 3, the latest movie sequel based on the gruesome Greensboro killings.
When the escalating terror finally brings her out of hiding, Sidney and other Greensboro survivors are once again drawn into an insidious game of horror movie mayhem. But just when they thought they knew how to play by the rules, they discover that all the rules have been broken.
Critic Reviews:
- “The series is already so dense with internal references and exposition that it's on the verge of becoming more of a trivia game than a movie series. Still, for the initiated, the third time's a charm. For everyone else, it's just a scream.” - Jack Mathews (New York Daily News)
- “Scream 3 is a crafty and well-crafted wrap-up that really does bring a satisfying sense of closure to the franchise.” - Joe Leydon (Variety)
- “While Scream 3 is only an above-average film in its own right, as the conclusion to the trilogy it works more effectively than anyone had a right to expect.” - Tom Coates (